Legal Blog

What happens if you are charged with a crime in South Carolina?

What Happens When You Are Charged With A Crime?

Being charged with a crime in South Carolina initiates a series of legal procedures. Facing criminal charges is an overwhelming and frightening experience. In this blog, we break down the criminal justice process step-by-step from

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wrongful arrest

If My Charges Are Dismissed Can I Sue?

In the realm of criminal law, the dismissal of charges is often seen as a victory. It signifies that the court has deemed the evidence insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the

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find our when can the police enter your home if the door is open

Do Police Need a Warrant If Your Door Is Open?

In the United States, the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution is a critical safeguard that protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. This typically means that the police cannot enter your home without a warrant

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you have several options for paying bail

How Does Bail Work?

In South Carolina, the judicial system is designed to ensure that individuals who have been accused but not yet convicted of a crime are not unnecessarily detained. This is achieved through a system known as

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charged with a crime in South Carolina

What Does It Mean to Be Charged With a Crime?

Being charged with a crime in South Carolina can be an overwhelming experience, particularly if you’re unfamiliar with the legal process. This comprehensive guide explains the steps involved in the criminal court process and how

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